for Progress

International Round Table initiative for Advancing STEM Excellence Skills

Attaining a consensus of the characterization, definition, educational methodologies and evaluation of skills required for advancing STEM excellence in the education systems, schools and higher education institutes.Attaining a consensus of the characterization, definition, educational methodologies and evaluation of skills required for advancing STEM excellence in the education systems, schools and higher education institutes.

The main objective is to develop a common language, agreed upon and coherent, with respect to characterization of the components which make up the skills required for excellence in STEM, as well as analysis of teaching and learning  methodologies and evaluation and assessment tools for high school and undergraduate students.   

Mode of operation: Round table zoom meetings, accompanied by preparation of background professional documents as well as summaries of the meetings, with the purpose of establishing a process for the development of common language with respect to terminology, definitions and modes of implementation  of STEM skills. These activities will be conducted based on the concept of the continuation in the educational chain, from early age, through schools, academic education and life-long learning.

Partners and their involvement:

  • The partners of the “Skills International Roundtable”  is consisted of major organizations having expertise and experience in these areas: The Samuel Neaman Institute with its partners, Bet Berl Academic College,  the National Center for Testing and Evaluation, Israeli Ministry of Education, Technion – I.I.T, Afeka Engineering Academic College, The STEM program of the Cleveland Jewish Society, JOINT Israel, IDF (Israel Defense Forces), TIES USA, OECD, ETF of the European Union and Social finance Israel (SFI).
  • Seven Zoom meetings have been held at 6 weeks sequences, over 10 months.
  • The Samuel Neaman Institute team leads the professional and organizational tasks, including  the round tables meetings and webinars.
  • The organizations partnering in this effort agree that the products of the activities of this program will be available freely to policy and decision makers, as well as to the public at large.
  • The organizations partnering in this effort express their agreement to the principles outlined in this document.