for Progress

Bibliometric Mapping and Evaluation of Leading Research Groups in Life Sciences

This work deals with the mapping of the leading researchers in the seven academic institutions in Israel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University, Haifa University, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the Weizmann Institute and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology) in the following areas of life sciences: genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, chemical genomics, and personalized medicine.

Transferring Technology and its Commercialization

How to translate technological knowledge obtained in academe into commercial success is a disturbing question that concerns many researchers and entrepreneurs in the academe. The Samuel Neaman Institute faces the issue as part of its involvement in the Technion.

Mapping National Research Infrastructures in Israel

The Samuel Neaman Institute is conducting in 2012-2014 a further study on the subject of ‘Mapping National Research Infrastructures in Israel’. The goal of the study is to build the knowledge database that would allow the creation of a road map for planning national research infrastructures in Israel and to formulate a policy that will define budgets and priorities within a national policy on large research infrastructures in Israel.

Science Communication

The mass media strongly influence the public’s understanding of – and engagement with – science and related policy issues. Print, broadcasted and online news form a major science related information source. However, scholarship has devoted little attention to communicating science in the Israeli context.

The Contribution of Large Companies to the National Economy

This project deals with the contribution of the large companies to the industrial and technological economy, in order to examine whether the existence of the large companies is essential to the industrial-business ecosystem. Related activities began in 2012, and continued in 2013 in cooperation with the economists Dr. Freeman and Yuval Niv. An additional partner in the project is Teva, which helps with the data required to assess its total contribution to the state’s economy.