for Progress

Agriculture and the Environment

A report that was submitted to the Sapir Foundation of the Mifal HaPayis Organization, addressed the need to protect rural spaces, and presented recommendations for applying “sustainable agriculture” in selected agricultural areas.

Economics of National Security Program (ENS)

The ENS Program was launched at the end of 2003 as an intermural research program aimed to initiate, encourage and support academic research on the mutual links between economic conditions and national security. Its main goals are to provide in-depth analysis of the economic costs and consequences of the Israeli security situation, the contributions of security and defense expenditures to economic progress, and to estimate the resources allocated to Israel’s defense.

The Zvi Griliches Research Data Center

The Zvi Griliches Research Data Center was established in 2000 to encourage the study of empirical economic of Israel in issues related to the economy of research and development, the high-tech sector, innovation, human capital and productivity.

Israelis in Berlin: Community in the Making

In recent years, an increased immigration movement to Europe has been discerned, mainly to two cities, London and Berlin. This study examines the motives of migration, lifestyles, and perceptions of Israelis who emigrated to Berlin, in light of the special relationship between Israel and Germany.

A Survey to Examine the Difficulties of Transmitting Nano Technologies from the Academe to the Industry

The TELEM Forum (National Infrastructure for Research and Development Forum), with the assistance of the National Committee for Nanotechnology (INNI( has worked during the last eight years to establish six research centers in the field of nanotechnology funded according to the matching method. The established research centers conducted thousands of studies based on nanotechnology, the effect of which has not yet realized its maximum potential.

A National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel

The National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel is a large project that the S. Neaman Institute has been leading since 2004. The project analyzes past and present chemical and pharmaceutical activities in Israel, presents alternatives and proposes new industry branches in this field.


Preventive intervention for children undergoing surgery, coupled with changes in the policies of the Department of pediatric Surgery, Operating Room and Recovery Room, designed to enhance the children’s emotional, cognitive and behavioral control, in order to accomplish the developmental, psychological tasks and promote their mental health.

The Economics Of Higher Education (EHE)

Over the past year, a broad research activity took place on the topic of “The Economics of Higher Education: Towards the redesign of the ‘Israeli Model'” (in short, EHE), in collaboration with Forum Sapir. The higher education system in Israel is undergoing a profound crisis, which calls for a swift revision of the basic premises upon which it has functioned over the past half century.