In parallel with international developments in the field, in recent years research has also begun on the effects of artificial intelligence on different areas of life as well as policy-driven research. It is evident that research in Israel is relatively narrow and retarded in relation to Israeli transportation in the field of artificial intelligence, as is evident, for example, in the amount of companies and startups that deal with the subject. [6] Among the first of the policy studies is a study by the Knesset Research Center written in 2018 at the request of the then chairman of the Science and Technology Committee, MK Uri Maklev. The short document describes the field and seeks to point out areas where policy is needed (Goldschmidt, 2018).
Another study published in the field by the Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Studies following an invitation from the National Research and Development Council (MAMOP) examines Israeli activity in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Robotics. Research and extensive activity in the country in these areas (Getz, et al., 2018).