A study by the Samuel Neaman Institute reveals that Israel is short of 2,500 AI experts, including 1,000 with advanced degrees | Israel Hayom

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Drop by 13% Among Voluntary GHG Reporting Companies | infospot

Rebuilding Israel’s North – A Conversation with Prof. Meirav Aharon Gutman | GLZ

How a Jezreel Valley Airport Could Threaten Israel’s Food Security | WALLA

The Israeli nutrition plate in 2050: Israel’s Food Landscape | MAKO

Spotlight on Food Security at the Annual Science & Environment Conference

From Food Security to Urban Solutions for Climate Resilience – The 52nd Annual Conference on Science & Environment | Zavit

Is the War Damaging Jewish-Arab Relations Within Israel?

‘Food security is national security’: Israel’s brightest minds discuss safeguarding national food supply | YNET

Toyota Israel’s ISRAEL EARTH PRIZE competition launches for the third time | Maariv