for Progress

Science, Engineering & Technology

Social Justice-Driven Planning

The Built Environment, Transportation and Equity research group at the Neaman Institute is committed to shaping sustainable and inclusive built environments, in both urban centers and peripheral areas, as well as large cities and small communities. We draw on expertise from urban planning, architecture, transport planning, and social sciences to develop justice-driven, comprehensive solutions that enhance connectivity, accessibility, and livability in cities and towns. We critically scrutinize technological and policy innovations, such as smart city technologies, transit-oriented development, and the concept of the 15-minute city, through a social justice lens, to ensure that solutions benefit those most in need of improvements. Our work involves research, outreach, and collaboration with stakeholders, policymakers, and communities, aiming to deliver products and approaches that can be employed to solve real-world problems.

Research lead: Karel Martens
Coordinator:Eran Leck
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