for Progress
Research lead: Eli Salzberger
Coordinator:Rinat Klein
Academia & Society


The field of ethics is concerned with defining what is morally right or wrong. It finds partial expression in the law or in other established normative systems like disciplinary codes. However, the law does not include and does not enforce all ethical norms, leaving it to society, the community, the professions, the family, and the individual to wrestle with ethical dilemmas and decide on the appropriate course of action. The realm of ethics has a special importance between the threshold, where actions beneath it are against the law, and the bar to which the individual, the community, or indeed the university should aspire.

In this new domain in the Samuel Neaman Institute, there will be an emphasis on research and publications in the field of ethics in academia. However, we will also address ethics in the public sector and society at large – areas that have previously lacked sufficient attention.

Research lead: Eli Salzberger
Coordinator:Rinat Klein
January 2024

Democracy as a Critical Infrastructure during a State of Emergency

Dina Zilber, Yael Cohen-Rimer, Reuven Katz, Barak Medina, Mordechai Kremnitzer, Michael Birnhack

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Thousands of protesters march to the Knesset
Report / January 2024

Democracy as a Critical Infrastructure during a State of Emergency

Democracy is not only an essential infrastructure during normal times; in fact, safeguarding it becomes