for Progress

May 2021

It is not too late to reconsider

Irad Yavneh

Professor Oded Goldreich has been denied the Israel Prize. Professor Irad Yavneh reminds us of the remarkable contribution of Goldreich’s life work to the State of Israel and calls upon the minister of education to reconsider.

Link to the full opinion in JOKOPOST.

May 2021

Israel’s pandemic economic report card: B+

Shlomo Maital

How well has Israel – the cabinet, Finance Ministry, Bank of Israel, and the people of Israel- managed the pandemic economic crisis?
How well have Israelis fared economically, compared to other countries?
Are we Israelis as resilient as we claim to be?

Link to the full article in JP.

April 2021

Something goes wrong, it is the time for a change

Eitan Adres, Reuven Gal

Based on interviews of 32 prominent Israelis, from diverse walks of life, we find a wide common ground in considering the ‘Declaration of Independence’ to be Israel’s vision for the coming decades.

Updating the ‘rules of the game’ and broad sense of security are needed enablers.

Paradigms in education, Jewish-Democratic state, moral market economy, ‘Mamlachtiut’, Israel in the Middle East, and foreign affairs – are discussed.

Link to the full article in HA’ARETZ.

April 2021

Something goes wrong, it is the time for a change

Eitan Adres

Based on interviews of 32 prominent Israelis, from diverse walks of life, we find a wide common ground in considering the ‘Declaration of Independence’ to be Israel’s vision for the coming decades.

Updating the ‘rules of the game’ and broad sense of security are needed enablers.

Paradigms in education, Jewish-Democratic state, moral market economy, ‘Mamlachtiut’, Israel in the Middle East, and foreign affairs – are discussed.

Link to the full article in HA’ARETZ.

April 2021

Israel enjoys a baby boom, but the West is aging.

Shlomo Maital

ALMOST UNIQUE among the nations of the world, Israel continues to enjoy a mini-baby boom, while the developed Western world suffers a baby bust, a trend further exacerbated by the global 2020 pandemic.

In this article Prof. Shlomo Maital describes the Israeli baby boom Vs. the Western baby bust.

Link to the full article in the JP.

March 2021

Israelis vote again: Democracy? Or dystopia?

Shlomo Maital

Prof. Shlomo Maital tries to explain What in the world has happened to Israeli democracy? As Israelis seem trapped in an endless loop of national elections.

Link to the full Article in The Jerusalem Post.

March 2021

Yom Kippur War- The tragedy and triumph of Tel Saki

Shlomo Maital

Prof. Shlomo Maital brings the incredible tale of a group of 28 soldiers trapped inside a bunker on Tel Saki, surrounded on all sides by Syrian forces.

This is a story of, triumph and tragedy, of how they survived.

Link to the full article on the JERUSALEM POST.

February 2021

How do you win a Nobel Prize

Shlomo Maital

In this article, the third of a series of articles by Prof. Shlomo Maital on Technion researchers who won the Nobel Prize. Prof. Maital interviews the Nobel Laureate for 2004 – Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, and shares the insights that emerged during a conversation about the path that led to receiving the award.


February 2021

How do you win a Nobel Prize

Shlomo Maital

In this article, the third of a series of articles by Prof. Shlomo Maital on Technion researchers who won the Nobel Prize. Prof. Maital interviews the Nobel Laureate for 2004 – Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, and shares the insights that emerged during a conversation about the path that led to receiving the award.

Link to the full article

February 2021

Joe Biden’s A-Team of Jewish advisers, cabinet members and staff

Shlomo Maital

US President Joe Biden has appointed a strong, experienced team for his new administration. Among them are a minyan and a half of Jews.

Prof. Shlomo Maital presents the 15 Jews who comprise Biden’s Jewish A-Team. and strongly believes that a vigorous American presence in world affairs, spearheaded by the Jewish A-Team, is in Israel’s long-term interest.