for Progress

September 2021

World War II’s secret Jewish commandos: X Troop

Shlomo Maital

Prof. Shlomo Maital brings a particularly stunning yet-untold World War II story by Hunter College Professor Leah Garrett – a book about 87 Jewish commandos, an unlikely band of brothers, who together played a decisive role in defeating the hated Nazis.

Link to the full article on JP

September 2021

Arab Israelis: Is anybody listening?

Shlomo Maital

As Prof. Shlomo Maital writes in this article, we Israelis have many stellar qualities. But listening patiently to those with whom we may disagree is not one of them.

In this article we get the opportunity to listen to Shams Marie Abomokh, a remarkable young woman from Baka al-Gharbiya.

Link to the full article in JP

August 2021

Lebanon: Who destroyed it, and what happens next?

Shlomo Maital

Nations fail when self-interest, rampant like the Delta variant, becomes dominant and spreads viciously.

Let us look north and treat Lebanon as a life lesson.

Link to the full article in the JP

July 2021

COVID led schools the wrong way – here’s how we fix it

Shlomo Maital

There is a critical skills gap emerging, between the skills that industry wants and needs when hiring workers and the skills that potential employees have acquired in school.

Link to the full article in the JP

July 2021

The digital twin and condition based maintenance

A series of three blogs emphasizing the role of digital twins in providing monitoring diagnostic and prognostic capabilities, with examples from condition based maintenance.

July 2021

Iron Dome: The inside story

Shlomo Maital

Prof. Shlomo Maital reviews the inside story of the iron dome project and the man behind it, by the person who headed the project at RAFAEL: Chanoch Levin.

Link to the full article in the JP

July 2021

How Israel conquered coronavirus

Shlomo Maital

Prof. Shlomo Maital brings us the story of how Israel conquered COVID-19 and transitioned from initial chaos to ultimate success.

Link to the full article on JP.

June 2021

Ultra-Orthodox pull U turn on Vaccines

Shlomo Maital

In this article Prof. Shlomo Maital explains why Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community initially dragged their feet on vaccination – and then abruptly changed their minds -and what we can learn from this episode?

Link to the full article in JP.

May 2021

Between Mount Meron and Giv’at Zeev the ultra-orthodox autonomy is hiding

Orit Hazzan

Prof. Orit Hazan about the hidden disaster in the ultra-orthodox society – the Education Autonomy

Link to the full article in JokoPost.

May 2021

The Gaza war: What are the economic costs?

Shlomo Maital

Money is fungible (transferable). Qatari money enables Hamas to use equivalent funds on rockets, instead of on food and electricity for its citizens.

Prof. Shlomo Maital on the cost of the latest Gaza war.

Link to the full article on JP.