for Progress

National Environmental Priorities, Position Paper X: Innovative agricultural technology industry in Israel, 2016

Ofira Ayalon, Shiri Freund-Koren, Idan Liebes, Maayan Zerbib Tsion
Report /
June 2016




Ayalon, O., Freund-Koren, S., Liebes, I., & Tsion, M. Z. (2016). National Environmental Priorities, Position Paper X: Innovative agricultural technology industry in Israel, 2016. Samuel Neaman Institute.

This National Priorities document, the tenth to be published, summarizes updated knowledge and brings the subject of Agricultural Technologies (Agrotech) to the public agenda.

The world is currently facing complex environmental challenges, partly as a result of growing population along with the outcomes of climate change and include water and air pollution challenges, soil degradation and depleting energy resources.   These have a direct effect on the increasing world food crisis.  Additionally, the change in eating habits of the world population is already having a negative effect on food prices.

The Agrotech industry can and should enhance the development of the agricultural sector into an efficient and sustainable one, through the introduction of innovative technologies and solutions. To that end, further research and development of breakthrough technologies is needed, as well as the establishment of their feasibility and transformation into profitable companies.


In light of the growing global food crisis and Israel’s worldwide reputation of being a leader in the field of water, agriculture, seeds & plant protection and an IT leader, it is of utmost importance that the Agrotech industry should also be a national priority.


This paper sets a cornerstone in summarizing knowledge and recommendations with an aim of advancing agricultural technologies in Israel and converting the drawbacks of agriculture (inefficient use of resources, environmental disturbances, etc.) to advantages in the field.  Therefore, an increase in efficiency and a reduction in negative environmental influences in Israel while exploiting and leveraging capabilities in the field of Agrotech in the development of knowledge and technology in Israel.

In light of the importance of agriculture in Israel, this work included an overview of the field and it’s predicted future development; remarks and conclusions that were raised in an experts’ forum that took place at the Samuel Neaman Institute; conclusions and recommendations for the advancement in the field of Agricultural Technologies in Israel and in the world.

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