Gender and feminism; environmental policy, impact of nature on well-being; higher education; women’s advancement in academia and STEM
MLS Library and information Studies, University of Haifa
BA Middle Eastern Studies, University of Haifa
Studies for MA The Department of Information Science, Bar Ilan University
Gender and feminism; environmental policy, impact of nature on well-being; higher education; women’s advancement in academia and STEM
Orly Nathan is a member of the Energy and Environment cluster, where she focuses on the impact of nature on wellbeing and environmental policymaking. Nathan is co-author of multiple publications on this subject. She is also a researcher and information specialist at Yoda’at –She Knows, Israel’s Gender Knowledge Center. Previously, she investigated R&D and higher education policy, with a focus on women’s advancement in academia and STEM. She has contributed to the establishment of dedicated databases. With a background as an academic librarian, she also served as editor of MEIDAAT, an Israeli Library and Information Science journal. In 2021, Nathan was a visiting scholar at Hadassah Brandeis Institute at Brandeis University. She volunteers at Isha L’Isha-Haifa Feminist Center and serves as a member of the steering committee of the “Haifa Feminist Research Institute” . Additionally, Orly Nathan cofounded the “Haifa Story Festival”, a cultural initiative for promoting for a shared life in the city
Orly Nathan, Tsipy Buchnik, Vered Gilad, Daphne Getz, Sharon Rashi Elkeles, Michal Sela, Shlomit Lir, Anat Fanti
Ofira Ayalon, Keren Kaplan-Mintz, Tzipi Eshet, Orly Nathan, Arin Khashan, Naama Shapira
Ofira Ayalon, Keren Kaplan-Mintz, Tzipi Eshet, Orly Nathan, Arin Khashan, Ziv Shina, Edna Fichtman, Naama Shapira
Eran Leck, Vered Gilad, Orly Nathan, Bella Zalmanovich, Daphne Getz
Reuven Gal, Emil Israel, Eran Leck, Orly Nathan, Tsipy Buchnik, Miki Malul, Ophir Rubin, Shaul Hartal
Yehuda Hayuth, Orly Nathan, Ortal Faibushenko, Ofira Ayalon
Daphne Getz, Eran Leck, Orly Nathan, Yair Even-Zohar, Amir Hefetz
Daphne Getz, Eran Leck, Orly Nathan, Yair Even-Zohar, Tsipy Buchnik, Vered Gilad
Daphne Getz, Marian Shumaf - Tehawkho, Orly Nathan
Keren Kaplan-Mintz, Ofira Ayalon, Tzipi Eshet, Orly Nathan
Daphne Getz, Eran Leck, Vered Gilad, Yair Even-Zohar, Orly Nathan, Tsipy Buchnik, Bella Zalmanovich
Ofira Ayalon, Keren Kaplan-Mintz, Tzipi Eshet, Orly Nathan, Naama Shapira
Ofira Ayalon, Keren Kaplan-Mintz, Tzipi Eshet, Orly Nathan, Naama Shapira
Ofira Ayalon, Idan Liebes, Miriam Lev-On, Perry Lev-On, Naama Shapira, Shiri Freund-Koren, David Mahalel, Yaara Grinberg, Gadi Rosental, Dana Gabay, Yehuda Hayuth, Orly Nathan, Ortal Faibushenko, Lior Shmueli, Maayan Zerbib Tsion, Efrat Elimelech, Jonathan Spenser, Haim Zaban, Shai Jerby
Eran Leck, Daphne Getz, Ofira Ayalon, Orly Nathan, Eliezer Shein, Ilia Zatcovetsky, Ella Barzani, Tsipy Buchnik, Noa Lavid, Efrat Kerem
Ofira Ayalon, Orly Nathan, Tzipi Eshet, Keren Kaplan-Mintz