for Progress

Nohad ‘Ali

Research Lead - Equality

Religious fundamentalism (Jewish & Islamic); majority-minority relations (Jews & Arabs in Israel); violence and crime in Arab society; Arab women in Israel and bilingual education (Hebrew & Arabic)


PhD Sociology, University of Haifa

MA Social Anthropology, University of Haifa

BA Sociology, Anthropology, and Education, University of Haifa


Religious fundamentalism (Jewish & Islamic); majority-minority relations (Jews & Arabs in Israel); violence and crime in Arab society; Arab women in Israel and bilingual education (Hebrew & Arabic)


Dr. Nohad ‘Ali is a senior lecturer and researcher in the Department of Sociology at Western Galilee College and a research fellow at the University of Haifa. He heads the cluster for societal equality at the Samuel Neaman Institute. He earned his PhD in Sociology from the University of Haifa on the subject of Religious Fundamentalism as an Ideology and a Practice. His research areas include religious fundamentalism; majority-minority relations; Arab-Palestinian women in Israel; bilingual Arabic-Hebrew education in elementary schools; higher education in the Arab community; and violence and crime in the Arab community in Israel. ‘Ali has published extensively on these topics in leading refereed journals, and has authored numerous books and reports in his field.

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