for Progress

Gilead Fortuna

Senior Research Fellow

Strategic planning, R&D and manufacturing


PhD Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois

MSc Chemical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

BSc Chemical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology


Strategic planning, R&D and manufacturing


Dr. Gilead Fortuna is a Senior Research Fellow and the Founder and Head of the Center for Industrial Excellence at the Neaman Institute Committed to enhancing the veteran industry, the center, under his leadership, fosters improved collaborations with academia, implements industry 4.0 technologies, and strengthens ties with the hi-tech sector. The vision is smart, productive, and globally competitive, and green, providing good employment to everyone. Driven by a vision of a smart, productive, globally competitive, and environmentally friendly industry, the initiative aims to generate substantial employment opportunities. He has a BSc and MSc in Chemical Engineering from Technion and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Illinois and a graduate of the AMP program at HBS. He has extensive industrial management experience in diverse sectors. He was the Senior VP at Rafael, CEO of Tami-IMI, CEO of Fertilizers and Chemicals and VP of BD of Teva Pharmaceuticals. He is the Founder of Aquise, a leading water company and Novetide, a peptide company.  He is a member of the Technion Board of Governors and was until recently a member of the Technion Council.

Opinions / Commentary
Press room
January 2012

The water of tomorrow

Gilead Fortuna, Shiri Freund-Koren