for Progress

Gershon Grossman

Senior Research Fellow
Energy & Environment

Solar energy; Energy conservation


ScD Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MSc Mechanical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology

BSc Mechanical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology


Solar energy; Energy conservation


Gershon Grossman is Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and head of the Energy Forum at the Samuel Neaman Institute. He holds BSc and MSc degrees from Technion, earned his ScD at MIT, and subsequently joined the faculty at Technion. At Technion Grossman served as Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, head of the Energy Engineering Research Center, Solar Energy Laboratory, and the Rechler Cryogenic Cooling Laboratory, and was incumbent of the Sherman-Gilbert Chair in Energy. His research interests span thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer; solar energy; energy conservation; heating and air conditioning systems; cryogenic cooling; and absorption/sorption heat pumps. His extensive international experience includes roles as a visiting researcher, notably at NIST, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Technische Universitaet Munchen. His significant contributions have been recognized through honors including the Georg Alefeld Memorial Award; the Russell B. Scott Memorial Award, the Cryogenic Society of America; and the Kreith Energy Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineering. With over 200 publications and 8 patents, Grossman is a fellow of ASME and ASHRAE, and a member of ISES, representing a lifetime commitment to advancing Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy.

October 2013

Energy Forum 29: Smart Cities

Gershon Grossman, Yaara Grinberg, Idan Liebes

December 2010

Energy Forum 19: Energy Efficiency in lighting systems

Gershon Grossman, Tal Goldrath, Michal Nachmany

January 2010

Energy Forum 16: Smart grid

Gershon Grossman, Tal Goldrath

January 2007

Energy efficiency in Ein Harod Ihud

Eliezer Fruchter, Gershon Grossman

October 2006

Energy Forum 3: Waste to Energy (WTE)

Ofira Ayalon, Yifaat Baron, Gershon Grossman, Yoram Avnimelech

November 2004

Air conditioner survey in Israel- conservation potential and policy measures

Ofira Ayalon, Gershon Grossman, Yitzhak Goren, Avraham Shitzer, Yoram Avnimelech, Yaron Arnon


Innovation – Environmental Technologies

Ofira Ayalon, Gilead Fortuna, Idan Liebes, Shiri Freund-Koren, Gershon Grossman, Avi Temkin, Miriam Lev-On, Perry Lev-On, Efrat Elimelech, Haim Zaban, Eliezer Fruchter, Michal Nachmany, Tal Goldrath, Daphne Getz, Vered Gilad, Eran Leck, Yifaat Baron, Yitzhak Goren, Eli Israeli, Yoram Avnimelech, Yaron Arnon, Noam Gressel, Mordechai Shechter

Press room
February 2013

A well-oiled Energy

Gershon Grossman, Yaara Grinberg

September 2011


Gershon Grossman

July 2011

Let the sun rise

Tal Goldrath, Gershon Grossman
