for Progress
June 02, 2005

R & D and innovation in the era of globalization


1. Can Venture Capital Funds Pick Winners? Evidence from

    Pre-IPO Survival Rates and Post-IPO Performance”  

     Dr. Hedva Ber, Bank of Israel, and Dr. Yishay Yafeh, The Hebrew University.

2. “Start-up funding inefficiencies due to VC’s limited horizon.”
    Prof. Eugene Kandel and Harry Yuklea, The Hebrew University.

3. “Evolutionary Innovation and High Tech Policy: What can

    we learn from Israel’s targeting of Venture Capital?”

    Prof.Morris Teubal and Gil Avnimelech, The Hebrew University.

4. Innovation and anti-trust: does the Israeli anti-trust regime

    facilitate innovation”

    Dr. Michal Gal, Haifa Unviersity Law School.

5. The Interaction of RJV, independent R&D, and market

    structure: A theoretical and empirical analysis”.

    Prof. Joel Guttman and Prof. Avi Weiss, Bar-Ilan University.

6. Creating a ‘Cyberinfrastructure’ for 21st Century Research Collaboration:

    Technological Potentialities and Institutional Realities”

    Professor Paul David, Stanford University and the Oxford Internet Institute

7. “Science and Technology Industrial Policy in Taiwan”

    Dr.Dan Breznitz, Industrial Performance Center and Political Science, MIT.

8. Facilitating innovation and technology transfer: Experiences from India”

    Deepak Bhatnagar Anand Patwardhan

9. “Public funding of private R&D in transition economies: The case of Poland”

    Dr. Itzhak Goldberg, The World Bank


1. Can Venture Capital Funds Pick Winners? Evidence from

    Pre-IPO Survival Rates and Post-IPO Performance”  

     Dr. Hedva Ber, Bank of Israel, and Dr. Yishay Yafeh, The Hebrew University.

2. “Start-up funding inefficiencies due to VC’s limited horizon.”
    Prof. Eugene Kandel and Harry Yuklea, The Hebrew University.

3. “Evolutionary Innovation and High Tech Policy: What can

    we learn from Israel’s targeting of Venture Capital?”

    Prof.Morris Teubal and Gil Avnimelech, The Hebrew University.

4. Innovation and anti-trust: does the Israeli anti-trust regime

    facilitate innovation”

    Dr. Michal Gal, Haifa Unviersity Law School.

5. The Interaction of RJV, independent R&D, and market

    structure: A theoretical and empirical analysis”.

    Prof. Joel Guttman and Prof. Avi Weiss, Bar-Ilan University.

6. Creating a ‘Cyberinfrastructure’ for 21st Century Research Collaboration:

    Technological Potentialities and Institutional Realities”

    Professor Paul David, Stanford University and the Oxford Internet Institute

7. “Science and Technology Industrial Policy in Taiwan”

    Dr.Dan Breznitz, Industrial Performance Center and Political Science, MIT.

8. Facilitating innovation and technology transfer: Experiences from India”

    Deepak Bhatnagar Anand Patwardhan

9. “Public funding of private R&D in transition economies: The case of Poland”

    Dr. Itzhak Goldberg, The World Bank