for Progress

Engineering, Society and Environment

Baruch Karp, Avigdor Zonnenshain, Arnon Bentur
Report /
July 2023




Karp, B. ., Zonnenshain, A., & Bentur, A. (2023). Engineering, Society and Environment. Samuel Neaman Institute.

Engineering has a crucial role in the development of human civilization and its influence is especially prominent in the current era.

This influence extends beyond the direct effects of engineering artifacts and it has increasing indirect impacts, positive and negative, such as those associated with environment and society, such as increase in societal gaps.

Modern engineering calls therefore, for engineers to adopt and practice a holistic-system approach which requires to take into consideration the impact of these influences, within the context of their societal responsibility.

The present report presents a holistic overview of the interactions and relations between engineering, society and environment, with the objective of advancing a system approach by engineers in these areas, as well as highlight the design

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