for Progress

Changes in productivity amongst Jewish women

Ilia Zatcovetsky
Report /
October 2013




Zatcovetsky, I. (2013). Changes in productivity amongst Jewish women. Samuel Neaman Institute.

The following short report attempts  to examine some of the data relating to the total fertility trends amongst Jewish Orthodox women , as they were presented in the research of several scholars . Moreover, the document contains a preliminary analysis of the reasons for these trends .

The tests mentioned in the paper point to the feasibility of a certain decline in the birth rate amongst Orthodox women . However, no association has been shown between the employment rate of Haredi women and their total fertility rate . In other words , the decline in the birth rate among Orthodox women , if it exists , is not necessarily due to a rise in the level of integration of these women  into the labor market, but may be due to other reasons . We hypothesize that the reasons are related to processes taking place in the Jewish population in Israel, but to illustrate this claim requires further study.

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