for Progress

Development of Higher Education Systems in the Arab Countries – 1965-1988, the Quantitative Dimension. Report No. 7 (for internal use) Project No. 161

During the 1970’s and the second half of the 1980’s the systems of higher education in the Arab countries underwent several transformations which fundamentally changed it. These transformations are divided into three main categories: (1) quantitative changes; (2) quantitative changes that, in themselves, have qualitative implications; and (3) clear qualitative transformation (a-priori). In this brochure […]

The Impact of Computers on Teaching and Research in Mathematics and Related Subjects

The Neaman Institute/Technion Committee for Mathematics and Computers in the Teaching Schedule was appointed by Prof. B. Silver and Prof Z. Tadmor On 26 January 1989. The objectives of the committee as defined in the appointment letter were: a. To study in depth the scope and contents of the expected and desired mathematical foundations in […]

Computing and Computer Applications in Arab Countries, Report No. 6, Project No. 161

The computing and computer applications in Arab countries, especially in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, have taken a fast development since the 1970s. It is significant in four major fields: arabization of computer software, utilization of computing systems, science and computer engineering education, and a growing number of publications. The fast development is to be […]

Neighborhood Renewal in Israel – Evaluation and Results

“The Plan for Neighborhood Rehabilitation and Renewal” known as the “Rehabilitation Project” has been in operation in Israel for ten years. Now it leaves the neighborhoods and changes it character. Formally, however, it still includes within its framework 90 neighborhoods countrywide, in which about 15% of the country’s citizens reside. In scope and complexity this […]

Engineering Education 2001

The book is the final report of a Technion Israel Institute of Technology working group on the future of engineering education. The report reviews the evolution of modern engineering education and recommends contextual and organizational changes facing the 21st century. Among others the report recommends that university trained engineers, after receiving the B.Sc. degree after […]

Business Plan – The College for Entrepreneurship and Export in Tefen

This document provides a detailed description of plans for establishing and operating an entrepreneurship and export college in Tefen. Under discussion is a system for training and educating towards entrepreneurship. Its core will be a training process based on combining project work with teaching know-how in areas relevant to the functioning of the entrepreneur. We […]

Water Policy for Israel (Hebrew with English summary)

The report summarizes a five-year project, conducted at the Neaman Institute by a team of researchers and practitioners in the water sector, for creating and implementing a methodology for generating a water policy for Israel. The report presents the methodology for identifying objectives, goals and indicators of achievement and for multi-objective evaluation of alternative policies. […]