for Progress

Promoting Excellence in Science Education

Discussion on cultivating excellence of science education conducted in the framework of the Samuel Neaman Institute. The aims of the discussion is to evaluate what is being done in Israel in cultivating excellence and the role, in this area, of the education system, the universities, the army and industry. We will deal with the following […]

Plastic Materials: Markets and Technology by Global Region

The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology is conducting a comprehensive research on “Alternatives for the Advancement of Plastics and Polymer Industries in Israel”. The project includes three main stages: a. Data gathering on the state of the polymer and plastics industry in Israel and abroad from a technological, marketing and […]

The Polymer Industry in Israel and the World: Present Status and Future Prospective

This study is part of an overall study, carried out at the Neaman Institute, on the Future Alternatives of the Plastics and Polymers in Israel. The objectives of the present study are: 1. To review the status of the monomer and polymer manufacturing industries in Israel at the beginning of the 1990s; their interrelation with […]

Research by Israeli Scientists in Israel and Abroad

The object of this research was to examine the scope of research cooperation between Israeli scientists and their colleagues abroad, and the changes that occurred during the period 1972-1984. The basic assumption was that the worsening of research conditions in the country, as a direct result of research budgets curtailment and aging of research equipment, […]

Civilian Space Applications, Proceedings of the Workshop – Technion

One of the purposes of this meeting is to try and establish possible niches in which Israel entrepreneurs, technologists and researchers can successfully compete and contribute to the growing space oriented industry; for this we have invited today some very distinguished guest speakers to tell us today about national space efforts and pinpoint industrial and […]

Continuing Education and the Extended Technion

This report was prepared for the Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology in accordance with the following terms of reference: “To produce a comprehensive report on Continuing Education and a concrete and detailed proposal for an administrative framework for Continuing Education at the Technion. This document would serve the Neaman Institute […]