for Progress

Proceedings of the International Workshop on The Interaction between Medicine and Engineering

Engineering and medicine are grass-routes disciplines. Both grow by responding to practical needs and thrive on the progress of science and technology. Most noticeable is the huge effect that modern technology, associated with new macro and micro imaging techniques and molecular scale diagnostic technologies, had on expanding the frontiers of medical science, and cardiology in […]

Entrepreneurial Theory and Practice: Immigrant Opportunities

All over the world, many immigrants and their children have turned to small business when faced by the limited opportunities open to them in the labor market. For Israel, essentially a country of immigrants, worldwide experience in this area is of great significance. The recent wave of immigration from the former Soviet Union has greatly […]

Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Application, Beit Oren

The central theme for the A&P XVII is Cognitive Regulation of Performance, with special emphasis on the interaction between theory and application. The topics to be covered include top-down regulatory processes and mechanisms of attentional control, strategies of performance, conscious appraisal of the world, pursuit of intentions, and the interplay between controlled and automatic processes […]

An Evaluation of the Promotion of Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the Haifa Area

The goals of the current research are to establish the entrepreneurial interests and self estimated ability for business success of the immigrant population. In the current research four principle hypotheses may be defined. Overall, our goal was to obtain an indication of immigrant business potential and to assess the ability of SBDC (“MATT”) to reach […]

Trends in Demand for Electronics Engineers and Graduates of Computer Sciences

This report sums up a survey on electronic companies members of the Union of Electronic Industries, conducted during the months May and June 1993. The survey used questionnaires which the companies were requested to fill out. It included the following items: Identifying information about the company, sort of ownership, money (sales, exports, R&D budget), manpower, […]

Further Investigation in the Evaluation of Scientific Activity

This publication includes two papers presented at the “Info 92” Conference, the Israeli Information week in the framework of the session on “The Evaluation of Scientific Activity – Methods and Tools” organized by the Samuel Neaman Institute. E. Granit and B.C. Peritz summarize their study on “Scientific Cooperation between. Israel, German and French Scientists in […]

Science Indicators and the Evaluation of Scientific Activity

The evaluation of scientific activity has always been a difficult endeavor because of both its long-range effects and the intrinsic uncertainty of this kind of research. In these times of growing budgetary constraints, such evaluation has become a significant tool in assessing the “track records” of scientific organizations (universities and research institutes) and of funding […]

Migration To and From Development Towns in Israel

The purpose of this study is to evaluate, on a micro level, the reasons that cause the upper socio-economic class of the population to emigrate from or immigrate to a development town. Such an evaluation may help create a spatial policy that will facilitate the absorption of high-level socio-economic groups of the population into development […]

Electronics 2000: Developments in Academic Engineering Education in the Field of Electronics

This review of developments in higher education in Israel and the world in the field of electronics and computer engineering, including implications on curricula updating, constitutes one of four stages of the “Electronics 2000” project aimed at creating an updated infrastructure for Israel’s electronic industry. A survey was conducted on the development of higher education […]