for Progress

Conceiving New Industrial Systems: The Different Emergence Paths of the High-Technology Industry in Israel and Ireland, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-11

In the last decade, both Israel and Ireland have been on the forefront of a successful double revolution. In the international arena, the two small states have been the hotbeds of new technology based firms (NTBF) that establish themselves in global markets in the area of software and information technology, making the two states successful […]

The Military as a Public Space – The Role of the IDF in the Israeli Software Innovation System, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-13

This paper focuses on the role played by the Israeli military (IDF) in creating and sustaining the highly innovative Israeli software industry. The IDF is often credited with a large role in the creation and sustained success of the Israeli high-tech industry. The paper analyze the activities and history of the IDF’s central computer unit, […]

ארץ ישראל מבפנים ומבחוץ

The personal story of Samuel (Sam) Neaman presented in this book began in the 20’s of the previous century (the twentieth) in Tel Aviv which was then changing from a suburb of Jaffa to a little town. It spans over three decades in Eretz Yisrael, France, Syria, the fronts of the Second World War, England, […]

Defense R&D and Economic Growth in Israel: A Research Agenda, Science, Technology and the Economy Program STE-WP-4

When evaluating Israel’s high-tech capabilities and impressive economic achievements since inception, it is difficult not to recognize the important role played by defense and military developments. In particular, defense-related R&D had significant impacts on, as much as it was aided by, Israel’s industrial sector, higher educational system in science and engineering, research community, and the […]

Public Policy, Locational Choice and the Innovation Capability of High-Tech Firms: A Comparison Between Israel and Ireland – SNI R&D Policy Papers Series

Using survey data from Irish and Israeli firms we examine the influence of public policy on the characteristics, location and innovation capability of high-tech firms. In Israel the innovation activities of Israeli firms are found to be much more locationally sensitive than that of Irish companies. Regional policy incentives, involving the dispersal of high-tech firms […]

R&D, Firm Size and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis, SNI R&D Policy Papers Series

Investment in R&D spawns innovations, which in turn foster economic growth. In recent years, researchers have become increasingly aware of the role of industrial innovation in the rate of regional development and economic growth. In order to innovate, firms must invest in R&D (in-house or out-sourcing), and engage highly skilled labor that is able to […]