Evaluation of the Technological Incubator Program in Israel (and the Projects Operating Within It) – A Decade After its Establishment
The research project was carried out under the Fifth Framework Program of the European Union. The main objective of the research was to examine the efficiency and adequacy of the Israeli Technological Incubators Program as a vehicle for fostering the growth of the High-Tech industry, and as a model for European countries in general and […]
Rethinking Higher Education in Israel – the Colleges, University Education and Human Resources
The subcommittee recommends that higher education in Israel be expanded and based on three institution types: Research Universities, Academic Colleges [the equivalent of the American Four Year Colleges], and Community Colleges [to be established]. The Research Universities should emphasize graduate studies [M.A. and M.Sc. with thesis and Ph.D.] and restructure their undergraduate curricula towards […]
Incentives and Invention in Universities, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-18-2003
We show that economic incentives affect the number and commercial value of inventions generated in universities. Using panel data for 102 U.S. universities during the period 1991-1999, we find that universities which give higher royalty shares to academic scientists generate more inventions and higher license income, controlling for other factors including university size, quality, research […]
Financing R&D in Mature Companies: An Empirical Analysis, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-10
R&D intensive firms are often described as (1) relying mainly on equity financing; (2) investing primarily in intangible assets; (3) exhibiting a high market to book ratio (a high Tobin’s q); and (4) as being young and fast growing. We put these commonplace characterizations to systematic empirical tests. For our sample of Israeli manufacturing firms […]
A first look at Internet Business Methods Patents, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-12
Despite the concerns about the proliferation of software and Internet business patents, there has been no systematic empirical research on Internet patents. In this project, I take a first-look at Internet patents. I examine whether there are systematic differences between Internet business method patents and other software patents in the same patent classes.
The Technion’s green campus
At the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, we don’t just talk about the environment – we are here for the environment. The Technion today is the country’s leading institute in this field and is a model for other academic institutions in Israel and around the world. The Technion, as Israel’s first and major technological university, bears […]
Is Venture Capital Special? Empirical Evidence from a Government Initiated Venture Capital Market, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-9
The financing extended by venture capital funds is examined in this paper, using a unique database that includes information about all the firms in the portfolio of all the Israeli venture capital funds in 1997-2000, and data on a control group of firms that were not backed by venture capital funds but were supported by […]
How Users Build The Innovation Partnership They Need
Innovation is unlikely to be successful if it is founded on the supposition that the innovative process is essentially simple, linear and sequential. It is not. The innovative process is complex, intricate and irregular and basically it can be considered as a learning and information process. Successful innovation is the product of a total information […]
Alternatives for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Israel (Hebrew)
This policy paper is a first attempt to determine a national policy for the State of Israel to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The paper is based on a thorough breakdown of the sources of GHG emissions and describes the different technical means that may reduce GHG emissions under the special conditions characteristic of Israel. […]
Conceiving New Industrial Systems: The Different Emergence Paths of the High-Technology Industry in Israel and Ireland, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-11
In the last decade, both Israel and Ireland have been on the forefront of a successful double revolution. In the international arena, the two small states have been the hotbeds of new technology based firms (NTBF) that establish themselves in global markets in the area of software and information technology, making the two states successful […]