for Progress

Adaptation Processes and Consumer Behavior Under Uncertainty Security Conditions

Towards the end of the fall of 2000, terrorism began to strike the State of Israel again. It upset everyday life and prevented normal routine. However, according to Kirschenbaum (2005), if a society does not adopt a “survival strategy” it is likely to fall apart without its having the ability to rehabilitate itself in the […]

Energy Forum 12: Energy in the water sector

The water sector is a very large consumer of energy in its various forms, mainly electricity. Energy is used for water pumping, transfer and supply. Energy is also essential for water “production” as in sea water desalination, and for wastewater treatment, to be later used for irrigation or river flows.The current forum discussed two main […]

Evaluation of the Space Industry’s Impact on the Israeli Economy

The publication includes 4 reports from the first phase of a project, which was conducted under the auspices of the Samuel Neaman Institute in the framework of the “Economics of National Security” (ENS) Research Program and was partly funded by the Ministry of Defense. The purpose of the project is to map out the interconnections […]

Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel – Selected Topics (Part A)

The economic strength of any modern country is based on its ability to translate scientific knowledge and technological innovation to new products and services. This is especially relevant in the case of Israel which lacks natural resources. The basis for creating a scientific and technological knowledge base lies in the cultivation of human capital. The […]

Traditional industries’ innovation survey in Israel

A first of its kind R&D and Innovation survey was conducted in Israel in 2007 among low- and medium-low technology companies in manufacturing and services. The survey focused on impact of various innovation activities, distinguishing between technological and organizational innovations, on business performance measures. 1800 companies were sent a written questionnaire by mail. Responses were […]

Bioethanol in Israel: global context, research, planning and policy

Bioethanol in Israel: global context, research, planning and policy

The report examines the global trends in the bioethanol market and evaluates the potential advantages and the anticipated shortcomings of Israel adopting a national bioethanol strategy and the planning it would require. An overarching objective of this assessment is to evaluate whether bioethanol could be used as a relatively significant substitution for fossil fuel, as […]

The Israeli innovation system: An overview of national policy and cultural aspects

The goal of this overview, which was prepared by the Samuel Neaman Institute, is to examine the national policies and cultural aspects that support and lead Israeli innovation. Material for this document were gathered from various reports, documents, and articles written on the subject, so as to present a comprehensive and general picture of the […]

Energy Forum 11: Energy balanced building

Green building in general and energy efficiency in buildings in particular are a main issue all over the world, as well as in Israel. The recognition of the importance of energy conservation and the other qualities embedded in green buildings are indisputable. In Israel, the level of standardization is still poor, therefore, it is not […]