for Progress

Israel Adaptation to Climate Change Policy – ICCIC 1st Report – Executive Summary

The Israeli Climate Change Information Center (ICCIC) was founded in March 2011, at the University of Haifa by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, as part of the national program for Israel’s adaptation to climate changes, set by the Government’s Resolution 474 ( 2009). The main goal of the ICCIC is to develop a national scientific […]

Technion Nation

Technion Nation tells the story of how Technion’s graduates drove Israel’s transformation from an economy of Jafa oranges to semiconductors. It tells how Technion scientists have given the world new forms of matter, discoveries leading to treatments for cancer and Alzheimer’s and countless innovations that enrich  the lives of people everywhere – winning Nobel Prizes along […]

Energy Forum 25: The Israel Energy Sector – vision for 2028

The major axis around which the discussion about the energy vision for 2028 revolved was the mix of energy sources to be used in future years. The recommended mix for electricity generation, as agreed upon by most participants, is 50% natural gas, 30% renewable energy, and the remaining 20% – coal, oil shale, and possibly […]

Educated Decision-Making: Annual Report 2011 Samuel Neaman Institute

The Annual report for 2011 summarizes the Samuel Neaman Institute’s activities for this year in a wide range of subjects. In particular special attention was given to subjects of science and technology policy, higher education policy, environment, industrial policy, and physical infrastructure in the State of Israel.

Haredi Integration: A Model, Possible Scenerios and Mapping

תמונת כריכת הדוח: שילוב חרדים: מודל, תסריטים ומיפוי

This report includes several articles, beginning with a model demonstrating a possible approach to government policy regarding Haredi Integration, followed by an examination of possible future scenarios pertaining to the pace of integration, and concluding with the  mapping of all academic institutes which cater for the Haredi public.

Report #2– Israel Adaptation to Climate Change Policy Recommendations

The Israeli Climate Change Information Center (ICCIC) was founded in March 2011, at the University of Haifa by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, as part of the national program for Israel’s adaptation to climate changes, set by the Government’s Resolution 474 ( 2009). The main goal of the ICCIC is to develop a national scientific […]

EMC Studies – a Report

כריכת הדוח דו"ח לימודי אמ"מ

This report includes an analysis of the gap existing in the Haredi Education curriculum due to the  lack of three subjects: English, Math, Computers. The report then presents 4 Policy Recommendations aimed at the integration of these subjects into the Haredi educational system.

The Way to Integration

הדרך לשילוב

This report includes Policy Recommendations in several areas related to Haredi Integration: Determining Fiscal Policy,  Education and Training, routes into the Labour Market, and Military & Civil Service. The actions suggested should serve to broaden the integration of the Haredi population into the Israeli economy.

Energy Forum 24: Solar energy for residential buildings in Israel

In the 30 years since the planning and building regulations requiring solar installations in residential buildings up to nine stories went into effect, many changes and progress was achieved in the construction sector. Due to the increase in population and the shortage of free land space, the proportion of high-rise buildings in residential construction is […]

Technion’s Contribution to the Israeli Economy through its Graduates

Investment in human capital at Technion generates a 76-197 per cent social rate of return, at least, or in absolute terms, some $35-$60 b. for 50 graduating classes. The annual output of Technion graduates in high-tech industries and computer services, communications and Research & Development is estimated at a minimum of $21 b. The median […]