Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2011
36 companies and organizations submitted the annual reporting forms to the Ministry of the Environmental Protection for the reporting year 2011. Each of the companies that reported, enclosed a signed statement regarding the reliability of the data, as required by the Reporting and Registration System, which was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental […]
Hazardous Household Chemicals and Hazardous Waste: Policy and Procedures Recommendations For Implementation in Israel
This National Priorities document, the ninth to be published, focuses on an important subject that does not get the exposure it deserves – the issue of how chemicals and hazardous household waste are handled in Israel. This subject is hardly discussed and managed at the national level and is rarely discussed in the media. Most […]
Report 2 – Israel Adaptation to Climate Change Policy Recommendations- Executtiive Summary
The Israeli Climate Change Information Center (ICCIC) was founded in March 2011, at the University of Haifa by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, as part of the national program for Israel’s adaptation to climate changes, set by the Government’s Resolution 474 ( 2009). The main goal of the ICCIC is to develop a national scientific […]
Energy Forum 26: Oil Shale Production in Israel
One of the local energy sources of the State of Israel is shale oil – a source of fossil fuel that appears in the form of marlstone or chalk rocks rich in organic matter, mostly Krogn. One can use shale oil in direct combustion and produce heat out of it, and even the possibility to […]
Intellectual Property in the Government Sector
The purpose of this research is to provide a systematic basis for designing a policy on intellectual property rights on knowledge which is the product of government-funded R&D activity and is being performed within the government sector. The intention is to formulate recommendations for building guidelines on intellectual property management strategy, which is a product […]
India-Israel Collaborative Business Innovation: An examination of its potential and forces that shape it
This paper summarizes the rationale, outline and findings of a research program at SNI that was dedicated to the study of the potential for collaboration between Israeli and Indian business partner.
Innovation in the Service Sector
This is a preliminary work, which aims to create a clear picture of the characteristics of the service sector and to open up understanding of innovation in this sector. The work includes five chapters: The first chapter presents definitions and classifications in the field of trade and services. The second chapter presents key data which […]
Global challenges for the water industry in the API production industry
This report reviews the pharmaceutical industry with emphasis on API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) production. The production of advanced raw materials to API is also being addressed. All of those in order to identify the role of water in the production as well as water treatment needed in regarding to water use, saving water, reuse, recycle […]
Global challenges for the water industry in the Food and Beverage industry
This report reviews the Food and Beverage industry with emphasis on Dairy factories and Soft Drink production factories. All of those in order to identify the role of water in the production as well as water treatment needed in regarding to water use, saving water, reuse, recycle and regulated emission to the environment. This is […]
Global challenges for the water industry in the mineral mining industry
This report reviews the mining and ore processing industry, in order to identify the role of water in the production as well as water treatment needed in regarding to water use, saving .o the environment/ recyclingving water, he water treatment need water, reuse, recycle and regulated emission to the environment. This is the second report […]