Integration of waste-derived alternative fuels in Israel’s transportation system – Phase A: literature review
This paper was submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, and provides a thorough review of the current available technologies for using waste as a source for alternative fuels, as well as an estimation of the available waste supply in Israel. The document layout: Review of the three waste-derived transportation fuel production technology […]
Integration of electric and hybrid vehicles in Israel’s transportation system – Phase A: literature review
This document holds the first phase of the paper, and entails a literature review about alternative vehicle drivetrains (with emphasis on the various forms of electrical and hybrid vehicles).
Oil Shale Occurrences in Israel – Geological Updated information
Oil shale occurrences underlie about 15% of Israel’s land surface. The geological reserves (rocks with at least 7% total organic carbon) are estimated to exceed 370 billion tons. The potential yield of shale oil is more than 30 billion tons, with an average grade supposed to be ~20 G/T. Most of the deposits are close […]
Adaptation to climate change in the local authorities
ICCIC team prepared a report on adaptation policy recommendations for local authorities in Israel. Climate change is expected to affect the water sector in the State of Israel, the health of residents, the existence of biodiversity and ecosystems supplying ecological services, urban climate and our energy consumption in homes and the communities where we live. […]
Global challenges for the water industry in the Micro Electronics industry
This report reviews the water challenges in the Micro Electronics industry with emphasis on microchips fabrication plants. It reviews the role of water in the production as well as water treatment needed in regarding to water use, saving .o the environment/ recyclingving water, he water treatment need water, reuse, recycle and regulated emission to the […]
Outputs in Israel: International Comparison of Scientific Publications, 1990-2011
The objective of this work is to analyze Israeli R&D output depicted in scientific publications with an international comparison. Using bibliometric indices research output was evaluated both quantitatively (number of publications) and qualitatively (average citations per publication) and according to field priority (rate of field publications out of total scientific publications). The number of Israeli […]
Clean Energy Innovation Policy in Israel: Identifying Fundamental Principles through a Case Study of Smart Grid Policy
This project has been conducted in cooperation between the Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (SNI) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). The goal of the project has been to analyze policy lessons emerging from Israel’s successful efforts to spark, direct, and accelerate the process of technological […]
Energy Forum 28: Sustainable Road Transportation: Energy and Environmental Aspects
Road transportation in Israel today, especially in the large metropolitans, is becoming crowded and dense with serious social, environmental and energetic consequences. Lost time due to traffic jams costs the economy greatly, fuel is wasted and emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases increase. Instead of implementing conventional expansion of infrastructure, which become insufficient very quickly […]
R&D Outputs in Israel – A Comparative Analysis of PCT Applications and Distinct Israeli Inventions
The research is a joint project of SNI and the National Council for Research and Development (NCRD), operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Technology. This work, which is the second publication in a series of researches, uses PCT application and patent family data in order to describe, analyze and compare the […]
Policy on Levering Stem Cell Research through Intellectual Property
The goal of the research is to create an infrastructure for designing a policy concerning research, development, and knowledge transfer in the field of stem cells. This policy was intended to encourage scientific innovativeness as well as help lever Israel’s position as a leader in this field in the global arena. The research focused on […]