Knowledge Centers and the Location of Hi-Tech firms – The Cluster of Rehovot-Nes-Ziona Region in Israel
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the location considerations of the High-Tech industries located in Rehovot – Nes Ziona area. In order to test the research hypotheses a personal questionnaire was administered through a personal interview with the company’s general manager or one of the company’s senior executives. In addition, personal […]
Human Resources Policy in an Age of Change, 1994, (Internal Report)
Open-ended discussions were held with managers and group leaders, most of whom have technical responsibilities. The agenda included: (a) The nature of the technical problems faced in process and product development and innovation, or that arise in production and servicing; (b) The role of the capabilities and experience of individuals in the solution of such […]
Towards An Infrastructure Policy Consensus and A National Capital Outlay Budjet 2000-2010 (Background Paper 1)
This short discussion paper is part of an effort to spawn discussion concerning infrastructure decisions and decision-making in Israel. It seeks to start a penetrating, across the board examination of needs, means, institutions and management practices in Israel as a basis for forging an agreed upon budgeting procedure and a capital outlay budget for the […]
Trends in Hiring Demands for Professionals by Companies Belonging to the Association of Software Developers in Israel
We are lately witnessing a gap between demand and supply for professionals which might hamper further development of industry. The professional training provided to new immigrants until now did, indeed, supply a considerable number of professionals to industry; this however, is not enough to answer the ever growing demand for more, on the one hand, […]
Investments in Civilian Research & Development in Israel: Background Data for Development of a National Policy
Israel is basing its progress and prosperity on human capital (quality manpower) and unique knowledge. The outstanding expression of this is the development of an industry based on advance knowledge which in the last decade led Israel to an impressive average economic growth of 5%, of which 30% stem from high-tech industry (1). In spite […]
Development of Higher Education Systems in Seven Arab Countries – 1965-1988
The “Oil Decade” (1973-1982) aroused great expectation in Arab societies in the Middle East, expectations for deep and fast transformations in a broad variety of areas – political, economic, social and cultural. In the 1980’s there were indications that disappointment was setting in since most of the expectations did not materialize. This development, which was […]
The Aeronautic Industry in Israel – Present and Future
Defense industries and especially aeronautical industries all over the world are going through a period of changes and reduced activity. These changes stem from international factors such as lessening of hostility between political blocks, as well as a result of changes in social emphases in central governments in the U.S.A. and Europe. These changes did […]
Education, Science and Beliefs in the Eyes of the Israeli Public
Evaluation of the Impact of Traffic Overload and Parking Fees on the Demand for Travel – A Study on an Event at the Technion
This work deals with the influence of overflow and parking tolls on the demand for traveling to destinations, with regard to the behavioral aspect of the demand for travel and identifying the factors influencing the choice of travel means. The need for demand management and external intervention in the transportation system by tolls was created […]
Preparations by the Energy Sector for Improving Environmental Quality
The seminar on The Deployment of Israel’s Energy Economy for Improving the Quality of the Environment is, to a certain extent, a continuation of a previous seminar two years ago on Alternative Energies in View of the Persian Gulf Crisis. The emphasis then was on utilizing alternative energies in case of a shortage in fossil […]