for Progress

Human Resources Policy in an Age of Change, 1994, (Internal Report)

Open-ended discussions were held with managers and group leaders, most of whom have technical responsibilities. The agenda included: (a) The nature of the technical problems faced in process and product development and innovation, or that arise in production and servicing; (b) The role of the capabilities and experience of individuals in the solution of such […]

Development of Higher Education Systems in Seven Arab Countries – 1965-1988

The “Oil Decade” (1973-1982) aroused great expectation in Arab societies in the Middle East, expectations for deep and fast transformations in a broad variety of areas – political, economic, social and cultural. In the 1980’s there were indications that disappointment was setting in since most of the expectations did not materialize. This development, which was […]

The Aeronautic Industry in Israel – Present and Future

Defense industries and especially aeronautical industries all over the world are going through a period of changes and reduced activity. These changes stem from international factors such as lessening of hostility between political blocks, as well as a result of changes in social emphases in central governments in the U.S.A. and Europe. These changes did […]

Preparations by the Energy Sector for Improving Environmental Quality

The seminar on The Deployment of Israel’s Energy Economy for Improving the Quality of the Environment is, to a certain extent, a continuation of a previous seminar two years ago on Alternative Energies in View of the Persian Gulf Crisis. The emphasis then was on utilizing alternative energies in case of a shortage in fossil […]