for Progress

Israel Research Status – What the Indices Really Describe?

Research evaluations by qualitative indices involve various advantages – but also many limitations and deficiencies. Despite their importance, these evaluations are controversial, and often – misunderstood. The main object of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the evaluations, particularly to consider the question – are they describe correctly the reality? Approaches and […]

Advanced Manufacturing

Development of national policy for promoting advanced engineering in the Israeli industry, by several activities, like: A survey of the status of advanced manufacturing in the world and in Israel, study of the status of advanced manufacturing in Israeli companies and its improvement potential, Mapping & studying Israeli companies with solutions & technologies for advanced […]

Issues in developing a metropolin plan for the north of Israel

The report is intended to provide tools for combining in regional planning considerations of economic development and employment in a more intensive way, based on new models for regional development and data which is relevant to the north of Israel. The data is partly based on previous study carried out in Neaman Institute for economic […]

Is there a Shortage of Academic Degree Holders in Science and Technology?

This research extends previous work by the authors, “The Role of Research Universities in the Israeli R&D System”, by investigating the possible shortage of graduates with academic degrees in S&T. Contrary to common views, we conclude that there currently is no overall shortage in the number of S&T degree recipients. Some 10,000 receive a first […]

R&D Outputs in Israel: International Comparison of Scientific Publications, 2000-2014

This is the third in a series of studies financed by the Samuel Neaman Institution and the National Council for R&D (NCRD). The study’s findings are as follows: International comparison indicates that Israel’s ranking continues a downward trend in various quantitative indices: number of publications, number of publications per capita, its share in global and […]