The future of the universities and the universities of the future
Due to significant changes in technology, society and business – combined forces are threating the future of the universities. There is a common belief that these forces could result in significant changes and disruption in historical scale. The object of this study is to present a wide global view on current developments and issues, and […]
Energy Forum 40: Natural gas for transportation in Israel
The problem of air pollution, resulting from the emission of pollutants in exhaust gas from motor vehicles, is growing worse, in the world and in Israel – especially in city centers. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is currently considered the most promising alternative fuel because of its availability and ecological advantages. Globally, there are millions of […]
Evaluation of the Technion Excellence Programs
The research centers on the evaluation of the Technion excellence programs. The Technion currently offers two types of excellence programs to its students: The Rothschild Scholars Technion Program for Excellence and a number of faculty excellence programs. The goal of this particular research is to provide policy makers at the Technion and external involved bodies, […]
Annual Report 2016 Samuel Neaman Institute
The Annual report for 2016 summarizes the Samuel Neaman Institute’s activities for this year in a wide range of subjects.
Grand Strategy For Israel
Formulation of a national “Grand Strategy for the State of Israel” which contains 3 clusters of issues: Statesmanship, global & regional developments and the Palestinian issue; Science, Technology and Education; Society, Economy and Government. A FORUM of 100 leading individuals was established to overview the project and it was carried out by working teams of […]
Entrepreneurship at the Technion Establishment of policy
Overview of the objects and modes of entrepreneurial education in research universities and proposal for actions. The publication includes critical review and evaluation of modes of actions in leading universities worldwide.
Excellence in Mathematics in the Ultra-Orthodox Community
This is an exploratory study, solicited by the Trump Foundation in Israel, aimed at the assessment of the potential for excellence in Math and Physics studies within the current Haredi Educational System. The study illuminates some of the recent transformations occurring in this regard, both within the Yeshivot of the Haredi men, as well among […]
Energy Forum 39: Microgrid and Smart Grid in an age of distributed production and renewable energies
Smart Grid is under development in many parts of the world, designed to replace the conventional power supply network. It is one of the leading issues in a modern energy economy and enjoys national priorities and massive investments. In Israel too, the issue is a high priority on the national energy agenda, even though the […]
Data Analytics approaches and tools survey for promoting advanced manufacturing
The aim of this document is to present a variety of approaches and tools of data analytics for promoting and supporting advanced manufacturing in industry.
Strengthening Social Resilience, Building Social Capital: Perspectives from Israel and China
This is a report about a one-day workshop conducted by the authors in Beijing, Chaina, in April 2016. In this workshop, we proposed to engage an invited group of senior policymakers, administrators and scholars in a discussion of the theory and practice of social resilience, in the context of China. We shared ‘lessons learned’ […]