for Progress

Advanced manufacturing industry mapping

The purpose of the current research is providing a deep dive into a selection of companies, as a basis for establishing a portfolio of innovative Israeli companies in the fields of advanced manufacturing. This is achieved through an analysis, information gathering and insights regarding the activity of the selected companies, evaluation of their business potential […]

Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources

This study was conducted as part of a four-year tender for the National Council for Research and Development in the Ministry of Science and Technology. The objective of this study is to execute forecasts of the needs of scientific and technological personnel for selected fields / professions (for example: chemistry, robotics, nanotechnology, cyber protection) for […]

R&D outputs in Israel Inventive Characteristics of Start-ups

The report focuses on the inventive activity of Israeli start-up companies. In the framework of the project, data on 9778 Israeli start-up companies, established between 2002 and 2015 was collected from the IVC database and was consolidated with patent data originating from the EPO- PATSTAT database.  The report presents updated statistics on the inventive activity […]

R&D outputs in Israel: Inventive Characteristics of Start-ups

The report focuses on the inventive activity of Israeli start-up companies. In the framework of the project, data on 9778 Israeli start-up companies, established between 2002 and 2015 was collected from the IVC database and was consolidated with patent data originating from the EPO- PATSTAT database.  The report presents updated statistics on the inventive activity […]

R&D Outputs in Israel Analysis of Scientific Publications

This study was conducted in 2018, based on data from Elsevier’s SciVal and Scopus databases. This report describes and examines government research institutes (Chapter 1); the impact of Israeli researchers’ participation in international research infrastructures (Chapter 2); Factors that may affect the number of citations of Israeli publications (Chapter 3); Technological impact – collaboration between […]

Metrics for Science Technology and Innovation in Israel Comparative Data Infrastructure Final Report Second Year

Neaman Institute is pleased to present the ” Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators in Israel: An International Comparison – 2018″. The two other chapters deal extensively with the following issues: Brain Drain. High-Tech indicators We hope this publication will provide useful insights on Israel’s national and international policies and will contribute to the correct comprehension […]