for Progress

Energy Forum 46: Extraction of energy from waste

Burning waste is increasingly used around the world as an alternative to landfill, but for several decades now, burning is no longer the first choice for waste treatment, because of its environmental implications. In Europe, many waste treatment systems combine prevention, reuse, waste separation at source, recycling and waste burning as a package of acceptable […]

21st Century Engineering Education Forum: Insights, Methods of Action and Paradigm Changes

Review and critical analysis of trends and challenges in engineering education, globally and in Israel, especially with regards to knowledge and skills, establishment of Forum for Engineering Education with participation of all of the stake holders (universities, colleges, government and regulators, high-tech industry, traditional industry, young engineers and students) to resolve required paradigm shifts and […]

Transfer of knowledge and technology Academy-Industry Recalculate route

Review and critical evaluation of university-industry relations based on data and quantitative indicators. Development of insights regarding optimal policy and models to balance between technology commercialization and technology transfer, which is largely based on cooperation with industry to support industrial research. Recommendations for policy steps based on the insights resolved, addressing the point of view […]

Turning the Pyramid Upside Down

The aim of the document is to propose a comprehensive reform in the field of education and early childhood care in Israel, i.e, the first years of the child’s life, from birth until entering the formal structured framework of education at the age of 6. The growing awareness about the importance of early childhood itself, […]

University-Industry Relations-Evidence Based Insights

Review and critical evaluation of university-industry relations based on data and quantitative indicators. Development of insights regarding optimal policy and models to balance between technology commercialization and technology transfer, which is largely based on cooperation with industry to support industrial research. Recommendations for policy steps based on the insights resolved, addressing the point of view […]

Private electric transportation readiness guide for municipalities

Electric mobility fundamentally changes the demand patterns of energy used for the transportation of people and goods, which is a vital share of any modern economy. The gradual replacement of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to carry broad implications over the energy sector, as well as both the natural […]