for Progress

World University Rankings

The purpose of this work is to present an updated comparative view of world rankings of universities, and in particular – to examine the status of Israeli universities in these rankings. Various issues regarding prominent rating systems are discussed, including reviews, flaws, shortcomings, methodological issues, research impact, opinion-based surveys, geographical preferences and more. Updated results […]

Findings of a Study for Assessing the Contributions of the Program frr Advancing Quality and Excellence in Indusries and NGOs in the North of Israel

This project is about a survey on the contributions of the program for quality and excellence in the North of Israel to the participating companies and NGOs. In the program participated about 300 organizations through the program since 2006. A survey on the contributions to the organizations was done through survey and interviews of the managers […]

Promoting the leadership of Israeli industry in future technologies

The Israel Innovation Authority has set a goal of promoting the leadership of Israeli industry in future technologies as a strategic goal. Many countries invest huge amount of capital in identifying strategic areas and technological trends, to create a technological competitive advantage over other countries, and to create an economic impact as a result. It […]

Models for Translational Medical Research in Israel Executive Summary

This project examines various models for the translation of academic discoveries ‘from bench to bedside’ to create innovative medications. The research examines how different countries in the world support basic biomedical academic discoveries and advance them towards industrial applications. The observation of these models can support the local pharmaceutical eco-system in leveraging Israel’s academic excellence […]

R&D Outputs in Israel / Analysis of Scientific Publications – 2019

This study was conducted in 2019, based on data from bibliometric databases. The report describes and examines Israeli scholarly output (Chapter 1); the influence of government funding on research productivity (Chapter 2); Israeli academic performance in world university rankings (Chapter 3); career development among Israeli postdocs (Chapter 4)

Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources 2019

This study was conducted as part of a four-year tender for the National Council for Research and Development in the Ministry of Science and Technology. The objective of this study is to execute forecasts of the needs of scientific and technological personnel for selected fields / professions for the short term (10 years).  The past two decades […]

Gross Domestic Problem: Why GDP Misleads & How to Fix It

This research paper surveys academic research done during approximately the past five years, on new approaches to measuring economic growth and well-being, replacing the conventional Gross Domestic Product ‘national accounts’ measure, in use since 1934,  that is now understood to be flawed. While it is seen that GDP as a measure of well-being is problematic,  […]

Lessons Learned from Select Countries and Cities Policy Measures to Reduce Air Pollution from the Transportation Sector

Management of air pollution from transportation refers to the dynamic process a regulatory authority undertakes to reduce, prevent/eliminate air pollution emissions and their harmful effects on human health and the environment. The process of managing air quality, including from the transportation sector sources, consists of a cycle of inter-related activities, including periodic assessments and reviews […]

Reforming Parental Leave: doing good to newborns, their parents and the economy

The policy for parental leave written in this research will accomplish 5 goals: achieving best development of the child, securing the mother’s physical and mental health, enabling the father’s participation in raising the child, reducing the gender gap, and alleviating the financial burden on young families. These goals are achieved without the need for high […]