for Progress

Preparedness of Ultra-Orthodox Population in Israel toward Earthquakes and Emergency Situations

Sample groups (N=692) within various Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox) communities in Israel were surveyed in order to examine their perceptions, awareness and preparedness towards emergency situations, with special focus on earthquakes. In addition, several in-depth interviews were conducted with senior decision-makers in the area of emergency and with several opinion-leaders within the U-O community. The results of […]

Some evidence towards the path to Scientific Excellence

The scientific community is taking for granted as an axiom that academic freedom, free competition, free publication, mobility, peer review  etc. will lead to scientific excellence.  Is there any evidence for these assumptions and if so what are the preconditions for it to succeed? In this paper we will try to relate to some of […]

Private electric transportation readiness guide for municipalities – 2nd Edition

Electric mobility fundamentally changes the demand patterns of energy used for the transportation of people and goods, which is a vital share of any modern economy. The gradual replacement of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to carry broad implications over the energy sector, as well as both the natural […]

Academy interface- education in schools as an engine for systemic change

In order to advance education for acquiring 21st century skills an efficient process needs to be established which is a challenge to the whole education chain, schools as well as academia. The report proposes mode of operation which is based on changes at the school-academia interface. The concepts relies on evidence that screening and acceptance […]

High tech nation and market driven economy

The paper posits that contrary to the common notion that the Israeli High-Tech industry is the consequence of the market-driven economy, in fact it is the results of far more profound reasons.

Perceptions of Technion Alumni and Students on Developing Their 21st Century Skills

21st century skills are essential for career readiness. We investigated the development of those skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) higher education, as reported by students and alumni of a top-tier research university. Involving senior management at the Institute, we designed a questionnaire aimed at investigating 14 skills and administered it to 1,578 participants. […]