R&D outputs in Israel: Inventive Characteristics of Local and Foreign Activity in the Israel Patent Authority

This report presents updated statistics on the inventive activity of Israeli inventors and applicants. This includes: Analysis of patent applications in the PCT track; Analysis of inventive activity by leading assignees; Distribution of inventive activity by sectors and technological fields and an analysis of the globalization aspects of inventive activity. An extended chapter reviews and […]
Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources- final report 2020

This study was conducted as part of a four-year tender for the National Council for Research and Development in the Ministry of Science and Technology. The objective of this study was to execute forecasts of the needs of scientific and technological personnel for selected fields. The current work consists of two parts: The first part […]
R&D Outputs in Israel / Analysis of Scientific Publications – 2020

This study was conducted in 2020, based on data from bibliometric databases. The report examines the data of Israeli HCR / Highly Cited Researchers (Chapter 1); Open Access patterns of Israeli scientific output (Chapter 2); Bilateral coauthorship changes in Israeli international collaboration (Chapter 3); Career development among Israeli postdocs (Chapter 4).
The world of engineering and engineers

The book presents the fundamentals of engineering science and engineering art, which is common the various engineering disciplines, which together make up the engineering profession. The book reviews and analyzes especially the principles of the engineering art, the interactions between engineering and science and between engineering and society, as well as the engineering education and […]
Creative Ideation: A Review of the Literature

This research paper surveys over 30 research papers on “creative ideation”, focused on (a) the form of novel and useful ideas, a definition of creativity, and (b) the function, or process, of Creativity (defined as ‘widening the range of choices’). A pervasive theme is the tension between the open, “wild” creative thinking and the disciplined […]
Fixing military conscription by adding new mistakes? Critical comments on “Equal for All” guideline.

The report is a critical review on the content of an official “Guideline” submitted by the ‘Pnima’ movement in early 2020, entitled “Recruitment and Equal Service for All.” At the heart of the outline is the proposal that all sectors of Israeli society, including the Arab and ultra-Orthodox ones, will be recruited at age 18, […]
Academia in the pandemia period

Summary of the insights and conclusions brought up in a conference on the activities of academia in the period of the corona crisis. The topic addressed include the role of basic research in the era of crisis, the involvement of academia in the national decision-making process and the education for the job market.
The Governmental Initiative to Develop the Biomed Sector in Singapore – A Case Study

On the verge of the 21th century, the government of Singapore has decided to expand its economic horizons and add the biomedical field as an additional pillar to its growing economy.The trigger for the decision was a financial crisis in Asia a few years before, leading to the conclusion that the dependence on the existing […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2019

63 companies and organizations submitted their reports to the Voluntary GHG Registry in 2019 to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Each of the reporting companies, enclosed a signed statement regarding the reliability of the data, as required by the Reporting and Registration System, which was developed by SNI in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental […]
Review of the Impact of Natural Gas Based Transportation Fuels on Air Quality

As Israel attempts to diversify its energy sources, its use of natural gas is rapidly expanding, taking advantage of discovered resources off Israel’s shores in the Eastern Mediterranean. Due to expansion of offshore operations and broader introduction of natural gas into the Israeli economy, emissions of associated air pollutants along with other potential environmental and […]