for Progress

Arab minority participation in collective action for provision of public goods in the general Israeli society.

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The societal and economic integration of the Arab minority is considered an essential factor for Israel.This research inquires how Arab minority members resolve the social dilemma of participation in collective action at the general society level.The recent unrest (May 2021) which un-stabilize co-existence and integration, poses a strategic challenge for Israel as a liberal democracy. […]

Periphery-Academy relations: past, present and future

BASHAAR – Academic community for Israeli Society together with Edmond de Rothschild Foundation and Samuel Neaman Institute for national policy research held a conference entitled: “Periphery-Academy relations: past, present and future” on March 2021. The conference included an opening plenum that delt with the relations between the Academy and the periphery, six parallel panels discussing […]

Statistical analysis of Corona data: A Roundtable

The Corona pandemic continues to pose significant challenges to the health, economic and social systems worldwide. Some of these challenges relate to the availability of reliable data and to the various approaches used in order to collect, analyze and present these data. The perspective required to address these issues combines health and epidemiological expertise, access […]

Energy Forum 49: Integrating hydrogen into the Israeli energy sector

Hydrogen is the most common element in nature but rarely exists in its pure form in nature. It is possible to produce hydrogen from water through the electrolysis process by using electricity. In addition, it is possible to produce hydrogen from organic materials, such as natural gas and coal, using several methods of reforming and […]

The Corona Crisis as a Growth Engine for the North of Israel

This report includes insights and recommendations on the Corona crisis as a growth engine for the north of Israel. It focuses in three areas: Economics & Industry 4.0, Education improvement, and the Social System in the north. This is a result of three roundtables in the above three areas. The work was done in a […]

R&D outputs in Israel: Inventive Characteristics of Local and Foreign Activity in the Israel Patent Authority

This report presents updated statistics on the inventive activity of Israeli inventors and applicants. This includes: Analysis of patent applications in the PCT track; Analysis of inventive activity by leading assignees; Distribution of inventive activity by sectors and technological fields and an analysis of the globalization aspects of inventive activity. An extended chapter reviews and […]