for Progress

Israel can benefit from climate change

Israel takes pride in its technological knowledge, and was among the first countries that signed the Treaty of Paris, but in practice – Israel’s energy consumption only increases while renewable energy is not. This lack of attention will result in missed opportunities for the state of Israel.

Eradicate the shoddy culture from the food industry

Multiple reports recently about Salmonella and Listeria bacteria in food products raises concerns regarding the supervision and control processes of the food industry in Israel. The Health Ministry data show that the number of recalling for food and faulty products rose sharply in the last five years. If you examine the issue in depth, the main of the “recall” events is the expansion and consolidation of the shoddy culture, of the “It’ll be okay” culture- because of the lack of quality control policies, and perhaps also due to the decline in the quality of management. Development and implementation of quality culture plants require quality leadership by senior management over time for internal purposes, even when there is no external regulation-that actually does not exist.

Why Israel needs to promote its global Cleantech industry?

Israel was recently recognized as a global leader in Cleantech innovation; A major barrier for Israel start-ups to leverage this innovation into competitive global industry is the lack of available funding of commercial projects at the after the technology had already been proven. This article reviews the Israel Cleantech innovations and recommendations for implementing a national policy for the global Cleantech industry is suggested.

Climate change: stop talking, start doing

Israel has recently signed, ceremoniously, the COP21 climate agreement in New York. But what the worth the glamorous pictures if the state of Israel actually does not invest any money in preparing for climate change?

How can the State lead energy saving?

The Ministry of Energy encourages significant savings in the country’s energy economy, by tenders for replacing old equipment with new, but there is still much to do. A new document issued by the Samuel Neaman Institute in the field of energy efficiency recommends what more should be done.

How to change the world

What would happen if an Israeli invention replaced conventional internal combustion engines?

When plunder meets blunder

The collapse of the Mega supermarket chain illustrates how greed and mismanagement characterize many or even most business disasters in Israel

The Eilat Casino Gamble

If casinos are opened in Eilat, will they really boost the city’s employment and well-being