for Progress

Baby Boom

AN UNUSUAL Israeli reality TV series is about “one of the most intimate moments of [young couples’] lives. It’s a hospital delivery room….” I doubt there is anything like it on foreign television. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis watch the program.

Hatikva-The Real Story behind Israel’s anthem

In this article, Shlomo Maital reviews the history of the Israeli anthem Hatikvah – the history of the writing of the anthem, the history of its words and music, and other (surprising) historical connections (Herzl hated it). In addition, Maital reviews the attitude of Israeli society and the Zionist movement to this anthem, which dates back a half century before the State of Israel was founded.

Speaking truth to power

One of the key foundations of democracy is under assault, in Israel and the US. It is the ability of experts to speak truth to power and the willingness of political leaders to listen to what they say.

what lies ahead in 2018?

In this paper, Prof. Shlomo Mei-Tal reviews the important statistics and trends in the Israeli economy in 2017, and the forecasts for the changes that are expected to affect the economy in 2018

Mightier than the dollar

The shekel continues to soar, making exports more costly, but Israel’s economy remains strong, defying the doomsayers


In this article, Prof. Shlomo Maital  analyzes Israel’s influence on the entry of foreign companies that employ many high-tech workers, such as Alibaba and Amazon.

Saving TEVA

ISRAEL’S FLAGSHIP global giant, Teva Pharmaceuticals, is in deep trouble. Teva’s share price was cut in more than a half. The latest collapse was in part the result of a misguided $40 billion acquisition that left Teva with massive debt and the patent expiration of Copaxone, a drug for treating multiple sclerosis that, at its peak, brought Teva $4 billion in annual revenue and half of the company’s total profit. TEVA One of Israel’s largest companies was founded before the establishment of the State of Israel and its importance to Israel is great. Summary Ways to Save TEVA.

The importance of Haifa Chemicals

The workers of the chemical industry in Israel are the spearhead of a profitable and smart industry that contributes significantly to the economics of Israel.