for Progress

Law enforcement in the 21st century :Law, Government&Politics, Science&Technology

This two volume publication contains the research reports and summaries of seminars held in the framework of the perennial project of predicting the state of law enforcement system in the 21st century and to prepare for it. The project was initiated by the Office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Public Security (former […]

Law enforcement in the 21st century: Society, Economy, Minorities, Internal Security

This two volume publication contains the research reports and summaries of seminars held in the framework of the perennial project of predicting the state of law enforcement system in the 21st century and to prepare for it. The project was initiated by the Office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Public Security (former […]

Internet for the Senior Population

The population of the developed countries that is over 65 is growing rapidly, and continues to expand as a result of an increase in life expectancy and decrease in birth rate. It is the challenge of the new century how families, businesses and governments will respond to the needs, preferences and lifestyle of the growing […]

Quality and Productivity in Research & Development

The third workshop on R&D quality and productivity was held at the Samuel Neaman Institute on June 17th, 1993 and is a direct continuation of the two previous workshops of the series, which were organized in the framework of a doctorate theses by Doron Meirsdorf under the guidance of Professor Ezey Dar-El, Dr. Ze’ev Bonen […]

Triple Helix Model and the Israeli Magnet Program: A Comparative Approach to National Innovation Programs with Implications for Turkey

The objectives of this dissertation are to examine science, technology and innovation policies, national innovation system and networking theories to refine the concepts and indicators for the formation of innovation networks and to identify the conditions for international innovation networks. It specifically focuses on the Triple Helix model of Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (1994), which has […]

The Middle East Oil Decade and Beyond

This book highlights three fundamental aspects of the oil decade. First is the influence the production, export and revenues of oil had on domestic, regional and international relations, in particular between foreign producer companies and local governments (chapter 1); between producer governments and consumer governments (chapters 2 and 3); and between Arab producer states and […]

Report on the Israeli Information Technology (IT) Market

The IT market in Israel includes all the import of computer hardware and software, local software development, software projects and auxiliary services of the computer industry. In 1995 the Israeli IT market was evaluated at US$ 2 billion, 0.5% of the world market. Hardware import amounts to US$ 506.3 million and software imports, to US$ […]

Supercomputers In Israel – Feasibility and Alternatives

This document discusses the need for super computers in Israel and possible ways to install such equipment. An examination of the current situation in Israel is presented. In addition, the concept of a national central facility for super computing is compared with that of distributed local centers. The report is concerned with the case of […]

Proceedings of the International Workshop on The Interaction between Medicine and Engineering

Engineering and medicine are grass-routes disciplines. Both grow by responding to practical needs and thrive on the progress of science and technology. Most noticeable is the huge effect that modern technology, associated with new macro and micro imaging techniques and molecular scale diagnostic technologies, had on expanding the frontiers of medical science, and cardiology in […]

Entrepreneurial Theory and Practice: Immigrant Opportunities

All over the world, many immigrants and their children have turned to small business when faced by the limited opportunities open to them in the labor market. For Israel, essentially a country of immigrants, worldwide experience in this area is of great significance. The recent wave of immigration from the former Soviet Union has greatly […]