for Progress

Strategic Innovation Policy (STE-WP-44)

Morris Teubal, Odeda Zlotnick
Report /
August 2011




Teubal, M., & Zlotnick, O. (2011). Strategic Innovation Policy (STE-WP-44). Samuel Neaman Institute.

Strategic Innovation Policy (SIP) emphasizes the importance of embedding innovation policy decisions (broadly defined to include science, technology, higher education policy, and policies to promote entrepreneurship and venture capital) within a fixed, knowledge-based strategic system. Creating a vision, identifying priority areas, and establishing a coherent set of priorities must occur before the design and implementation of operational policy—and even serve as its foundation. The need or rationale for a Strategic Innovation Policy (SIP) lies in Metcalfe’s “adaptive policymaker,” who must operate in a world of extreme uncertainty. We present in detail a system based on two policy institutions operating at the highest level of government: the Strategic Innovation Council, which is inter-ministerial, apolitical, independent, and knowledge-oriented, tasked with orchestrating the process of vision creation and priority setting, and an inter-ministerial, politically-oriented council responsible for budget allocations and coordination. The impact of the Strategic Innovation Policy depends on maintaining a degree of separation between knowledge and politics.

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