Indices for Science, Technology and Innovation in Israel and international comparison

At the beginning of 2000, the Samuel Neaman Institute identified the need to establish an infrastructure for advancing a systematic and ongoing process of forming a national policy on research, technology, and innovativeness.

Therefore, the Neaman Institute initiated and established a long-term plan aimed at improving the understanding of the R&D system and innovation through an infrastructure of data and metrics, the analysis of trends over time, and international comparison. The infrastructure allows us to answer the question of how the processes related to the development of science, technology, and innovation contribute to increasing knowledge, increased productivity, improved economic performance, professional employment, sustainable development, and social welfare.

The fifth report in this series was published in 2016, presenting a host of indicators of science, technology, and innovation in Israel. The report is designed to provide diverse and useful information, through different perspectives on these issues.

The report is divided into six main themes: national expenditure on civilian R&D, the business sector, the government sector, higher education sector, R&D indicators by gender distribution and spatial distribution, and a chapter on integrated international indexes. This program constitutes a source of knowledge and provides policymakers with a broad and up-to-date picture of the state of science, technology, and innovation in Israel. Publications are written in a format similar to the brochures published by agencies of other countries and are of great interest and are being used in various studies carried out at the Neaman Institute and by other organizations in Israel. In 2016, the Neaman Institute won the tender of the Ministry of Science on Science and Technology Indices, and the next report will be published within this framework.


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