Session 22 - the second session on engineering and society - the point of view of the leaders on the national and business leve
Tuesday | January 10th, 2023 | 16:00 to 18:30 Israel time.
This meeting is the second in a series of meetings on the topic of engineering and society, and in its framework, the point of view of the leaders on the national and business level will be presented.
The meeting is organized by Dr. Kobi Inbar which is focused on Impact will be a joint meeting of the Forum for Engineering Education and the Israel National Council for Civilian R&D.
The meeting will be opened by Professor Peretz Lavie, the Chair of the National Council for Civilian R&D, who is the President Emeritus of the Technion.
The keynote speakers in addition to Sir Ronald Cohen will be:
- Sir Ronald Cohen, World Leader of Impact
- Irwin Boutbol, leading Impact activities at GOOGLE
- Zvi Stefak, Chair of Meitav, Israel, and the leading figure in Israel for Conscious Capitalism.