for Progress

Rafi Nave

Senior Research Fellow

Semiconductors, VLSI Development, R&D Management, Medical Devices, Entrepreneurship & Innovation


MSc Electrical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

BSc Electrical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology


Semiconductors, VLSI Development, R&D Management, Medical Devices, Entrepreneurship & Innovation


Rafi Nave has led a distinguished career as a leader of Israel’s high-tech sector. He served as Senior Vice President forResearch and Development at Given Imaging, Chief Technology Officer of Tower Semiconductor and Vice President forResearch and Development at NDS. In 2014 he joined Technion as head of the Bronica Entrepreneurship Center, and three years later became a Senior Research Fellow at the Samuel Neaman Institute. Recently, he served as Chair of the Board of Road2 – focusing on the Haifa Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and supporting young Entrepreneurs. He started his career at Intel Israel as chip design engineer in 1974 and later led the development of Intel’s 8087 math-coprocessor. He then served as General Manager of Intel Israel for five years. Nave was awarded the Global Industry Leader Award at ChipEx2021 conference, the Rothschild Prize for Industrial Developers by the President of the State of Israel, and the Intel Achievement Award.

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