for Progress

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced yesterday a new possibility on the world’s largest social network – erasing our browsing history. Mark Zuckerberg says many websites need information such as cookies, cookies and browsing history to operate, but you should have the option to delete your browsing history at any time! We’re working on a similar version on Facebook. This is a simple setting to delete your browsing history, what you clicked, the sites you visited, and so on. Call it simply cleaning history. But of course do not rush now to try to erase your Facebook history because this tool will be launched in just a few months.

Because of Russian involvement in the US presidential election in 2016, where she bought political ads on Facebook, among others. Facebook will now give us, users, tools for transparency in publishing political messages. We’ll know who posted the ad, how much money was invested in the campaign, and which ads are shown to other people on the social network.

Listen to the interview here