for Progress

Innovation in Israel 2010 – Implementation of “Israel 2028” program

Gilead Fortuna, Elad Shaviv, Yael Lavi, Dorin Almog-Sudai, Moshe Elad

continuation of ISRAEL 2028 – Vision and Strategy, we are running an implementation project. This project is aimed to leverage the science and technology with the innovation culture into a national policy of enhancement a global competitive and sustainable industry.

Our focus this year in the empowerment of the classical industry on one hand and on establishing a policy of knowledge intensive industry that will emerging the new technological disciplines.

Among the new emerging technologies we chose the focus on the Biotec industry, on which effective actions and decisions were already implemented and in the Cleantech which is new emerging industry. In this project we try to identify the emerging market, the long range potential, the relative advantages that Israel has, the impediments for growth and commercial success.

This project is conducted with the support of the Moital CHIEF SCIENTIST TEAM in collaboration with Samuel Neaman Institute and MATIMOP and is budgeted by the US Israeli science and Technology foundation.

This workshop is the first of a serious of planned workshops, the workshop structure was to have pre-selected invited reviews and lectures in the first part and open discussion and brain storming in the second part.