for Progress

Conditions For The Prosperity Of The State Of Israel

Aviezer Ravitzky, Zehev Tadmor, Moshe Halbertal, Shlomo Avineri, Ruth Gavizon, Moshe Elad

In 2004, the S. Neaman Institute established a research project to address the fundamental problems facing the State of Israel and the Jewish people. To that end, the Institute assembled a group of the country’s top thinkers and researchers in different areas of expertise – philosophy, society, law, politics and technology. Each group member agreed to write an independent analysis of the present situation in their area, and present recommendations for the future, with a focus on the chances and risks involved. The group members were to analyze the existing data, follow the processes that created them while trying to rise above immediate events and opposing interests, and observe reality from a reflective perspective. The documents were to reflect the personal positions of each author, and an effort was made to cover as wide a range of topics as possible, while coordinating between the different areas covered.


As such, this activity embraced an integrated, interdisciplinary approach, with a focus on cultural and practical aspects. It integrates individual work by experts in different fields, and includes mutual critiques. Most papers have already been published in both English and Hebrew. Two parts of the work were presented during the Herzlyia Conference in January 2008 in a special sessions devoted to these subjects.