for Progress

Energy Forum 22: Nuclear power station in Israel

Gershon Grossman, Tal Goldrath
Report /
November 2011




Grossman, G., & Goldrath, T. (2011). Energy Forum 22: Nuclear power station in Israel. Samuel Neaman Institute.

A nuclear power station as part of the Israeli electricity market had been considered since the 1970’s, as part of the regulators goal to diverse the fuel mix and lower energy security risks. Opposed to the transition from liquid fuel based production to coal, which was a natural evolution yet not a simple one, the nuclear issue is far more complicated.

Electricity prom nuclear power plants is common since WWII, with 440 plants in 30 countries, and a total generation capacity of 380GWe, and another 60 plants under construction in 14 countries. During 2010 2630 billion KWh were produced, consisting a total of 14% of the electricity production around the world. There is a significant public image issue to nuclear power plants, causing a major drawback in the construction of new power plants, as far as a total banning. The accident in Fukushima, Japan in the beginning of 2011 had a massive effect as well, although the event as a total shows technology robustness. The public acceptance, together with other aspects of the technology was discussed in this forum.

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