100 Days Project

The 100 Days Project

The aim of the “100 Days Project” is to formulate a socio-economic agenda that proposes solutions to some of the main issues the Israeli community faces and that will serve as a road map for the first 100 days of the next government.

Why “100 days”? A new government must have a northern star, a clear vision that can be translated into policy measures early on. The beginning of the term is the ideal time to start put into action processes that will determine its future outcomes. Without such processes, the government might become consumed by the ongoing activities within the term, and only deal with solving immediate crises.

We have a flourishing economy, and a vibrant and highly capable society. The challenge is to ensure that the benefits of the growth will be enjoyed by the majority, and not just a handful, and to make sure that the next generation will also prosper, to reduce gaps and strengthen social solidarity. It’s a big challenge, but one that is possible: innovative and courageous policy, can turn the great social - economic state of Israel also into a social success. This is the aim of the project, and even without expending massive resources, so that the agenda can be implemented in the near future.

The research topics

We focus on key areas that have not yet been given their rightful place in the national priorities. Hence, we will deal only a little with other social - economic issues which are just as important (such as the housing crises, low productivity, vocational training and so on), that already receive serious attention in research and policy. The intention is not to delineate a wide exhaustive policy, but to focus on those issues that just cry out for attention and for a new way of thinking, in a way that could even become a model for other areas. We will first look for solutions for the transportation crisis, try to design a policy for preschoolers, and focus on an appropriate fiscal policy. As we proceed on these fronts, we will deal with other research areas.



Early Childhood


Fiscal Policy


100 Days Team



Head of the Team: Manuel Trajtenberg, Professor of Economics, Tel Aviv University, Senior researcher at the Samuel Neaman Institute of the Technion, former Chairman of the National Economic Council in the Prime Minister’s Office, Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the National Council for Higher Education, Chairman of the Committee for Socio-economic Change, and a member of Knesset.


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Alon Berkman, Research assistant
Student in the PPE program
at Tel Aviv University


Amit WoleckiResearcher


Uri Fineberg, Research assistant
Student in the PPE program
at Tel Aviv University




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Itamar Popliker, Researcher
M.A Philosophy student 
at Tel-Aviv University


Merav Shaviv, Researcher
Research associate, Harvard Kennedy School
Former DDG for Planning and Policy,
Council of Higher Education


Gil Shapira, Researcher
Founder of NeoLaser,
laser equipment in medicine
MBA from MIT;
M.Sc. In Electrical Engineering,
Tel-Aviv University; 
B.Sc. in Physics and Electrical Engineering, Technion



Former Team Members in 100 Day Project


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Yoni Ben Bassat, Research assistant
A graduate student in economics
at Tel Aviv University.


Alon Pardo, Research assistant
A graduate of the PPE program for outstanding students and a graduate student in economics at Tel Aviv University.


Ron Leyzer, Research assistant
Holds a BA in Economics, Politics and Government from Ben Gurion University.
Holds a master's degree in research economics in the joint program for Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Involved in the fields of the labor market and gender.




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Hadar Zer Aviv, Research assistant
A student in the PPE program for outstanding
students at Tel Aviv University.


Mor Segal
A graduate of the PPE program
at Tel-Aviv University.





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