"People Israel" is an online publishing house, which is a comprehensive textual and visual guide to Israeli society. The project was launched based on the belief that by providing current, rich, varied, and reliable information, along with a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of different phenomena, the publishing house would contribute to an in-depth knowledge about the various sectors in Israel, formulating effective public policy and a reduction in prejudices and stereotypes among the Israeli public, to encourage tolerance for others and give legitimacy to the wealth of diversity.
Achievements during 2015:
The comprehensive research on the Israeli Y generation is now ending. To obtain feedback from the public before publication, the study chapters were uploaded to the People Israel Website. In addition, discussions and lectures were held in various organizations. An abbreviated version of the study, adapted to the general public, was published as a book by the Modan publishing house, and became immediately a best seller.
Following a request by the Head of the HR Department of the Israel police force, a sixth-month study of the Y-Generation in the Israeli police force was conducted (in collaboration with the Department of Behavioral Sciences of the police). The results pose many challenges for this large and complex organization.
In March 2015, Haifa University organized a conference on the Israeli food culture in cooperation with the university library and "People Israel". The seminar was followed by a historical photo exhibition, presented in the "Spirit of Israel" gallery.
Achievements during 2014
Doubling the number of visitors to the site: An impressive increase in the number of site visitors has occurred - 50,000 per month, an almost two-fold increase as compared to last year.
Growth in the scope of information in the website: As of the end of December 2014, the website includes 640 articles and information pages in diverse areas. Also, the site includes 177 Israeliana photo albums [Israeli history].
A dynamic cultural calendar: The website's calendar was updated and important events in the Israeli society were added, reflecting the pulse of society and its vitality, democracy, diversity, and dynamism.
A study on the Israeli Y generation: This year we focused on a large-scale scientific research study of the Israeli Y generation. To obtain feedback from the public before publication, the study chapters were uploaded on "People Israel". In addition, we held meetings and lectures involving senior officials in various social areas: the military, the police, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, academic colleges, personnel managers, company executives, and more.
Major achievements during 2013
Growth in the scope of information in the website: As of the end of December 2013, the website includes 620 articles and information pages in diverse areas (an increase of about 30 articles and information pages as compared to last year). In the pipeline are another 30. Also, the site includes 160 Israeliana photo albums [Israeli history] (in the pipeline are about another 80 albums).
Tours exploring the Haredi sector: tours of various institutions in Bnei Brak were held for the senior journalists of Yediot Aharonot and for members of the National Security College.
New exhibitions at "The Israeli Spirit" Digital Gallery, shown this year: "The Israeli Record – A History of Design" (Eran Dinar); "Israeli Dance" (Mula Eshet); "Israeli Nostalgia" (Mula Eshet); "Vintage Advertising" (Mula Eshet); "The Landscape of our Country" (Azaria Alon).
Documenting synagogues at Rosh Ha’ain: The project of documenting the synagogues of Rosh Ha'ain was completed. As part of the project, about 80 synagogues out of the 130 in Rosh Ha'ain were documented. The celebration of the project's completion, which the mayor attended, was held in Rosh Ha'ain. Lectures were given by Dr. Tamar Almog and Prof. Oz Almog.