In 2009, Prof. Shlomo Maital completed writing a book about the global crisis [1].
The work on the Hebrew version of his book Innovation Management has also ended [2].
Together with Prof. D. V. R. Seshadri, Prof. Maital wrote an article about the way in which innovative organizations can lever the global crisis to gain a competitive and business advantage. The article was submitted to Vikalpa, the Journal for Decision-Makers [3].
A report was made for the "Israel 2028" project, managed by Dr. Gilead Fortuna, about the guiding principles for modernization in "traditional" industries. [4]
Prof. Maital, together with Dr. Yudan Rofe and Prof. Daniel Gat, organized a conference on the subject of TOD - Transportation-Oriented Development. The subject of the conference: Advantages from integrating urban planning with transportation (especially rail).
During the year, Prof. Maital continued to write a column in the magazine Jerusalem Report, called Marketplace [5]. Also, he continued to write his blog on subjects related to innovation and the global crisis [6].
[1] S. Maital & D.V.R. Seshadri. Global Risk/Global Opportunity : Ten Essential Tools for Tracking Minds, Markets and Money. SAGE: June 2010.
[2] S. Maital & D.V.R. Seshadri. "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management" Magnus Publishing (Hebrew University), June 2010.
[3] S. Maital & D.V.R. Seshadri. "Innovating During Global Recession - Transforming Risk into Opportunity." Submitted to Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision-Makers, April 2009.
[4] S. Maital. "Modernizing Traditional Industries: Best Practice Benchmarks for Israel 2028 - Six Principles in Search of an (Industrial) Policy", S. Neaman Institute, draft, 2009.
[5] S. Maital. "Marketplace" column, Jerusalem Report (English-language fortnightly).
[6] S. Maital. Blog - Global Crisis and Innovation,
More publications by Prof. Shlomo Maital can be found here