Prof. Avigdor Zonnenshain

Prof. Avigdor Zonnenshain

The Era of Gut Feelings in Management is Over

The Era of Gut Feelings in Management is Over

The data management revolution is a golden opportunity for the traditional industry in Israel to improve productivity by adopting innovative technologies and methods for managing and extracting data
Eradicate the shoddy culture from the food industry

Eradicate the shoddy culture from the food industry

Multiple reports recently about Salmonella and Listeria bacteria in food products raises concerns regarding the supervision and control processes of the food industry in Israel. The Health Ministry data show that the number of recalling for food and faulty products rose sharply in the last five years. If you examine the issue in depth, the main of the "recall" events is the expansion and consolidation of the shoddy culture, of the "It'll be okay" culture- because of the lack of quality control policies, and perhaps also due to the decline in the quality of management. Development and implementation of quality culture plants require quality leadership by senior management over time for internal purposes, even when there is no external regulation-that actually does not exist.
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